did any1 amoung us believe in first sight love?!
im d most dumbst,stupid,weird ... thinkin person under dis blue sky..i swear im..
i realy donno y im dis way..?!
i never believe dat any1 cud fall in love wit some1 at d first sight.
i never wantd to have a moment like dat in my life..cux i kne its gona ruin my life..some ppl doesnt realy mean to dream..
n i either didnt kno how it realy works..but just till dat nyt..
i dunno how i had a moment like da n never believe..?!
dunno i how i felt so deep for a stranger i met randomly jus once..
i dunno how i shud mark dat..i mean if its my luck or fate..
i shud hav control for my feelings..but..
he was d guy my mind always had been drawin..
d perfect mr. of mine i always want to be was like him..
was him d guy my mind always use to draw?!
i gave him my HEART.. only lookin at his eyes..
how can i dream of ppl whom i can never be wit..?!
how can any1 love som1 like dis?!
how can som1 fall in love wit a stranger in first sight?!!
am i in love or mayb just like?!!
dis thought of mine is disturbin me....
help me,i really hav no idea how to come out from dis..im confused
i need help..pls
Well Sometimes it works. It worked for me.... Both of us fell in love the first time we saw each other, and luk how far we both have reached. It may happen if both fell in love at the very same time. But It may not work if One person only falls in love at tat time.tats wot i feel about love at first sight :)
is it really true about you strangy??? O_o i kinda agree with wot aisha said. if only both of you feel the same way it'll work! All the best for you sweet mate!
hey dear.. cheer up.. don worry too much!! it could be love or it could be an attraction.. but even if it is love you may think!.. just don give ALL of you to him .. unless u truely start understanding his worth... ;)
in my case.. i fell in love at first sight.. but its HORRIBLE NOW.... i wish i had had friend ship before falling for him.... so be carefull! its not the same for al though!
well girl...its not love, just a fatal attraction i guess, it would go away when u find another mr.right.... good luck, n its a nice post.
i dont belive in love at first sight...
it didnt work for me, but i hope it will work for u gud luck
It happens and i Believe...Its something could anybody of us..it is not in our controle...u can fall in Love with someone it doesnt mean that he will fall in Love with you too...it deppends on the persons...bye bye bye Stranger (k)(k)(k)
aisha: yeah ur absolutely right!!
if he felt d sam way only dis wud work more..i rhink ive to quit dis again..hehe dat happens
thanks loads for d comment..n yeah im glad dat it worked out for ya!!
Бέþþŷ Ïяåm: thank u very much buddy!!
D cOLOr Of <((SuN RisE))> : thanks loads for d comment,fo d advice..i dont worth any1 in real..so ive stopped dreamin n expectin about da..wel dat wud be much better dats y..thanks a whole bunch buddy!!
letoh: thanks letoh mayb ur right!!
but mayb ur wrong :s i dunno..thanks loads
dhiking: aww so sad to hear dat..but we must believe everythn happens fo a gud reason..thanks
ur right gazmend..thanks fo d comment
THANKS ALL OF U GUYS FO D COMMENTS!! n really sowee i cudnt rply ya ol earlier
aan hmm .. eii ehkala kujja dho ... ingey hmm ... ei vedhaane attraction akah .. dhen nenge ...
i never felt in love at first site .. all are attractions ..... lol
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